Dennis was jumping up and down in front of the window a few days ago, and then he yelled for me to come. When I got there, he yelled "LOOK! Daddy's fixing my Jeep!". The steering component had broken again a couple of months ago (we are this Jeep's third family and probably sixth kid) and Dennis has been asking David to fix it, so without telling us, he got up that morning and took care of it. Dennis was beside himself when he saw what was going on.
So we've been having driving lessons of a sort. He never really mastered it before and would just turn the wheel in one direction and drive in circles (a practice we in Alabama like to refer to as 'cutting doughnuts') But not now. Now he very carefully steers it to remain on the driveway or to avoid obstacles when driving "off-road". I made him drive on the slower setting until he learned the concept of steering (this took one day), but now he only drives it fast. I think the sudden competence might be due to his bicycle proficiency. He can ride the heck out of his bike now, steering in and out of tight spots and steering skillfully around, well, everything. What impressed me the most was how he knows to put the Jeep in reverse and correct his path when he sees he won't be able to steer around something.
Today was our longest drive (and jog, for me) yet, with numerous driveway runs and some yard cruising over to the slide and back. After he parked it (in the garage at his insistence), he said "I sure enjoyed that drive and showing my Jeep off to everybody today". I didn't see another soul. Maybe he did?
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