We actually took a break from lake related activities today. We went to visit Granddaddy for a while and we took him some peaches for a belated Father's Day gift. He took us to dinner (grabbing the check when it came so that he could treat us instead of the other way around) and then we stayed at his house and talked with him for a while. He asked us to join him on a walk around his neighborhood, and we happily did so! I'm so amazed and pleased that he still does these walks at age 96. We have plans for a future trip with him to Cheaha State Park and hope that it happens very soon.
After our visit with Granddaddy, Dennis asked if we could go to the toy store, and I thought this wasn't a bad idea. We killed about an hour's worth of time in Toys 'R Us, and he hasn't been there too many times and is still so shocked that there's an entire store out there that sells nothing but toys. I didn't confine him to a shopping cart and we looked at everything he wanted to look at before leaving just as they closed. When he asked me to stop at Target, we did that as well, and I scored some excellent telescoping marshmallow roasting forks out of the one dollar bin! Daddy called to report a bit of car trouble (as in all the warning lights in the Blazer came on and flashed at him), so we headed south to pick him up and head back to the lake. It was another long day for Dennis, and he didn't go to bed until LATE. Big plans for tomorrow!
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