We caught our first lightning bug tonight (Dennis wanted to call it a firefly, and though that smacks of Yankee to me, I went along with it). He liked taking an evening walk down the driveway, and when we got to the part where the trees completely shade the center of the drive, it was dark enough to see the insects lighting up everywhere. I caught one and we brought it into the house and took it into a dark room to watch it light up. Then Dennis said "we can take him back outside now to be with his friends so he won't be sad" and we did just that. Dennis held our 'jar' and waited for the bug to fly out. When it didn't fly out right away, Dennis gave the jug a vew helpful (violent) shakes, but the bug didn't seem any the worse for wear when he flew away. I'll need to get him a proper bug habitat for the next time we do this!
Dennis sure enjoyed playing with his youngest cousin Jeff on Sunday, and Jeff is just a little over a year old. When we were walking back to the lake house, Dennis asked me "Mommy, does Jeff speak English?". I told him yes and asked if it was hard to understand him. Dennis said it was, and I explained that Jeff is just learning to talk and it might be a few months before he'd be easy to understand.
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