We hurried to breakfast this morning to watch the ship dock in Cozumel, most of which occurred while I was in the buffet line getting our food. Dennis got to see it, though, and he's so interested in everything about the ship and all the procedures. When we came back to our room to gather our stuff to go ashore, he walked into the room and announced "It's another beautiful day in our wonderful cruise ship!". Again, he's walking around happy, just absolutely enjoying every minute of this trip!
He had his own agenda for Cozumel but we weren't clued in to whatever it was that he had planned. He didn't want to hold a hand and wanted to shop by himself. He did enjoy meeting the pirate that was at the entrance to one of the stores--this man was painted all black and silver and let Dennis hold his sword. Dennis liked talking to him but was too scared to go up and stand with him for a picture. We killed almost two hours shopping before our Sub Ocean View tour, essentially a boat with glass sides all around the bottom. We saw the famous Paradise Reef and so many different species of fish, and I am delighted that I have seen my first sea turtle in the wild. The tour was an hour and a half (about 45 minutes too long for the kids) and a scuba diver fed fish right in front of our eyes. The kids were interested for awhile but got bored and drove us nuts for the remainder of the tour, jumping around, singing loudly, aggravating each other and such. David and Dennis returned to the boat immediately afterward, and Dennis went to Camp Carnival per his request. I shopped awhile with Allison and went to Senor Frogs with her and Gran, Pop, and Gigi (where I had a coke that cost $7!!), and we shopped a bit and returned to the boat. Dennis actually fell asleep at the dinner table tonight, sitting up in his chair. We stretched him out on his chair and mine and let him sleep. When he woke up, he wanted to go back to camp, so we let him. David picked him up later and took him back to the room while I went out with the girls to pose for silly pictures and have a fun Girls' Night. (Dave and David had their own fun--they went to bingo and a show while the kids were still at camp).
We did take Dennis to the top of the ship at the stern to watch as we left port. He watched them pull the ropes and watched the pilot boat guide us out. We stayed up top as we backed out and turned around, and when the ship's horn blew, Dennis promptly covered his ears and told us "the ship's whistle is TOO LOUD--tell them to turn it down; do all cruise ships have horns??".
I can't believe tomorrow is the last day!
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