Two car doors inflicted their wrath on Dennis today, and both incidents occurred at Grandma's place. The first time, she was opening the door for him and he walked into it (he has a bad habit of doing this), and it apparently left a big knot behind his ear that was practically gone by the time I arrived to pick him up. When we left there to head to the church picnic, I closed the car door while his fingers were in its path. I saw what was going to happen as the door was swinging shut, and I immediately opened it again and administered profuse apologies and hugs and kisses, and it appears to have left no permanent damage. Poor little guy.
It's not a long drive to get from Grandma's and GrandBob's place to the park where the picnic was held, but when I got out of the car to let Dennis out of the backseat, he had fallen asleep. I transferred his sleeping form to his stroller and enjoyed the Ladies' Night barbecue put on by the Methodist Men. Delicious chicken, slaw, and baked beans, hot dogs for the kids, pound cake, strawberries, and ice cream, all free for women and children, and all so yummy! David decided to work this evening and we missed him being there. I let Dennis snooze in his stroller and enjoyed a peaceful meal and visited with fellow church members. When I was finished and after he'd gotten an hour of sleep, I woke him up. He was so pitiful--I fed him his meal for a few minutes until he was good and awake. He is very sad that he missed seeing the other children, but he slept through their time there.
Tonight on the way home, he realized that he missed my trip to Uncle Denny's place, his having been at Grandma's most of the day. He told me "we have to stay away from our house--I don't want to go home now because I have to go to Uncle Denny's house and play with him and my toys." He didn't get his wish. He also made this interesting observation: "Mommy, do you know what? This Tracker looks a lot like Grandma's car." He's right. Her Suzuki is newer and a little longer, but the vehicles are very similar in style. Maybe he noticed the similarities because both cars attacked him today...
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