Today passed in a whirlwind of activity, but I am hard pressed to remember what we did! Dennis and I were home all morning, playing fire station and police officer, and tonight we went to the Maundy Thursday service at church. We were delighted to discover that child care was available this year, but Dennis was dismayed that he was the only child there. He wanted to go to his "Snoodleburg class" he said, but the only child care was in the infant nursery. Luckily he brought along his favorite toy fire station to keep himself busy.
He did make me feel like a bit of a fool tonight. I walked into his room and he was watching a movie on his little TV, and it was something I didn't recognize. I asked him what it was and he said "that's my TV, Mommy" in that tone of voice that implied my total idiocy. And he got his Daddy, too, who heard him say something that he didn't quite understand and as he was saying "I heard something..." Dennis piped up from the backseat "it was me, Daddy, you heard ME talking!". We didn't play any pranks on each other except for Dennis asking us "what are we having for dessert, Mommy?" and replying "BOOGERS!" when I asked him what.
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