It's good to be home, and Dennis was full of things to tell me about his weekend. He had a wonderful time with Emily and Grandma and Bob, and he had fun at his Teddy Bear Tea at church today, even bringing home a pink carnation that he gave to me. He told Pop all about his bed tonight when he and Daddy came to pick me up from Gran and Pop's place as we arrived home from Florida, saying "I'm not tired, but I have my own bed--it's at my house, in my room, it's not your bed, it's my bed, it's a Handy Manny bed." He took a breath and then said "you have your own bed, Pop, it's in Gran and Pop's house, it's in there--you're too big for my bed." He gave us hugs all around and then we came home and put him in bed. I tried on the dress I found for formal night on our upcoming cruise once we got home, to show it to David, and then I happened to think that Dennis might like to see it. I asked through his door if he was still awake, and he said "I'm sleeping!". Knowing that it had only been 5 minutes since we put him to bed, I opened the door and turned on his light and went in. I asked him if he liked my dress and he said "no, I don't like it." Surprised, I asked why not, and he replied "because I'M SLEEPING!". Just like his Daddy!
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