Today David and I are celebrating 15 years of marriage. We had a great time at Cheaha State Park and hiking in the Talladega National Forest. David even got to find a geocache, which Dennis LOVED ("it's a pirate treasure box, arrrrrhh!"). It wasn't the romantic day out that we hoped for, but it was very very special anyway. Dennis really enjoyed the hiking he got to do, three different trails with three completely different kinds of scenery. He is getting to be a great little hiker, even did some tree-hugging. At least I thought it was tree hugging, but he said he was sliding down the fireman poles. Everyone enjoys nature a little differently, I suppose.
All day long Dennis asked to go to Cracker Barrel, so tonight when we were almost home, we stopped and met Gran and Pop for supper at Cracker Barrel. They treated us to dinner to celebrate our anniversary, and we had a nice meal all together. Dennis absolutely loves Cracker Barrel, and if you ask him why, he says "there are toys in there". As a matter of fact, when we were driving along the interstate, he shouted "LOOK MOMMY, there's a CRACKER BARREL!" and when I turned my head to look, he said "I was just kidding!".
So we've been married for a long, long time now, and I'm glad to report that we are happier than we've ever been. And we made some very nice memories today. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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