What a wonderful birthday we celebrated today! I finally remembered to show him the geode that he and Uncle Denny were talking about a few visits back, and he held it and examined the sparkly interior and said "Where did these sparkles come from? Were they in your ear? Were they in Uncle Denny's ear?" (because he is the one who gave it to me years ago). He looked at it for a long time, touching delicately and checking out every part of it before I returned it to its high shelf and resumed my house cleaning. As always when I have a party here at the house, I found myself scrambling to complete last minute details. Gran assembled two giant cardboard structures (a fire station and a 'burning' building) rather brilliantly, I think, and I was grateful because all my creativity was tapped out after the cake project. Dennis and Laine and Emily and Chloe had a wonderful time running around and playing together, rescuing each other from the burning building, putting out fires, and all sitting together to eat.
Gosh at the presents! A vintage Fisher Price Play Family Castle (the one I wanted as a child), foam sword, firefighter equipment and walkie talkies, take-apart dump truck with working drill, fire dog (not live!), great books, puzzle, money, handmade fire hydrant and 15 foot hose, play-doh ice cream parlor set (he made us treats after the party), giant Thomas the Train murals to color, great clothes, a Radio Flyer scooter (that he can already ride, go figure), magnetic letters for the fridge, a fire truck book, a dragon and knight, a fire boat (Trio, that he can assemble and disassemble), a very nice belt that he much needed, other things that he's already stashed away in his room that I can't even recall, all of it wonderful and all of it very much loved by the birthday boy.
What a busy day with everyone here celebrating and then a visit and second 'party' in Uncle Denny's hospital room. I am beyond exhausted. I think Dennis might actually be too tired to sleep well tonight. He didn't nap. He tried but was too excited and he heard the early arrivals in there talking. He actually blew out all his candles himself this year. He had been trying to get into the cake all day because he wanted to play with it. He told Gran "that's my cake, not yours--you can't eat any of it". Since he was busy playing when we cut it, we ALL enjoyed some of it! I feel so glad that so many people love him and think he's special (and drove a long way to be here!), and it was wonderful to spend a few hours celebrating the birth of his Daddy's and my favorite person!
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