Imagine my delight this morning when the first thing I heard, the noise that woke me from my stupor, was the sound of a digital camera snapping a picture. This sound was followed by nefarious giggling and a "I take your picture sleeping, Mommy!". This super attractive photo of me was snapped by my loving son. I'm sure it would look much worse if I wasn't in the habit of sleeping with a pillow over my head! And I remember wanting to make sure he got his own camera for Christmas!
Another strange wake up phenomenon: David and I were standing in the kitchen when we heard Dennis get up from his nap. We heard his little bare feet RUNNING toward us, fast as they could propel him. He balled up his fists and ran straight to me, pummeling me with them repeatedly. I have no idea what I did to deserve this and it totally cracked David up. Dennis later said "I am a superhero--I am KNOCK MAN; I have to knock you, Mommy". Who knew? Do I get out the sewing machine and make a cape with a fist on it?
We had two meals in front of the television today, sorry folks that we are. The first was lunch. I walked by the den and saw David and Dennis in there sharing some pizza (note: David had brought me a piece to the bedroom where I had sequestered myself for an hour of reading--such bliss!) and watching Dragon Tales. His high chair was in the den already when supper was ready so we ate in there again and watched How It's Made, this time yummy chicken noodle soup that David made. How It's Made featured a section on how Nestle Creamsicles are made and luckily we had some pops in the freezer because we all wanted one after that. Dennis enjoyed one entire one by himself and then begged and got half of mine after he finished his. When I put him to bed a while later, he got up and came into our room and said "I can't go to sleep". I asked him why and he said "because I don't have any candy." I don't understand how the two are related but I appreciate that he came up with a reason for his insomnia so quickly!
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