Today was so rewarding! Gran and Pop and David and I all participated in the Disney Give A Day Get A Day program. We chose an outdoor service opportunity and today we spent our afternoon removing Chinese privet bushes from Moss Rock Preserve. There were many volunteers and we were able to take care of a very large section of riverbank. Because we had a number of strong guys helping out, we cleared some very large sections of very overgrown privet (they were actual trees) as well as hundreds of smaller bushes that were just starting out. It was a beautiful day spent outdoors in a beautiful park and we had a fabulous hike to get to the areas that needed clearing. We thrilled the project coordinator with all we were able to get done and we finished a bit early so he gave us a tour of some of the prettiest places in the preserve. GREAT day. We want to volunteer again even if there's no Disney ticket as a reward. Just being outside and helping out the environment was reward enough!
Dennis was not along for this adventure. He spent a lovely afternoon with Aunt Wanda and Uncle Kenny and they played and played with him. We were only able to get him out of their place by promising him dinner at Cracker Barrel. We had a great meal together and I ordered very light because I was fully intending to have some Double Chocolate Fudge Coca-Cola Cake (best dessert on the planet, and it will be available ALL YEAR!!!). We all got full on our supper though and didn't order any. Good for my diet, of course, but I sure do love that stuff. Next time, perhaps.
We are without water at home. A pipe burst somewhere in the .15 mile between our house and the meter and we have not yet located the source of the leak. So we're staying at the lake house which also has a burst pipe, so we are sleeping at the house with the two rooms and using the water at the other house! It's a result of the week of freezing water, I suppose, and I hope we get everything fixed soon!
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