Cuteness lives! I don't know that I've ever seen more fun had by anyone than I saw today watching four two-year-olds run through a series of sprinklers in the yard. They were hopped up on birthday cake and ice cream, fed to them just before they were changed into swimwear and released in the yard, and they giggled and danced and slid and jumped and squealed in pure glee as they got wetter and wetter (and sillier and sillier). Chloe's party was one of the most fun parties I've ever been to and it was geared toward making two-year-olds happy! (what does this say about me?)
After eating burgers and hot dogs, watching (and helping) Chloe open gifts, eating cake and ice cream (twice, since he charmed some grandmothers into getting him a second piece), playing in the sprinklers, and then playing on Chloe's new outdoor play structure, Dennis came in the house with me to gather our things to go home. He stopped, turned back and looked at me, and said "whew! I had FUN!". I asked him to hug Dave and Ellen goodbye and he said "I hug Chloe" and proceeded to give her the biggest and sweetest bear hug (that she returned just as enthusiastically as it was given). He had the best time ever.
Also, Happy Anniversary to Gran and Pop!
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