Dennis absolutely could not get enough of playing with his cousins. They didn't like the baby pool or sprinkler quite as much as he did, though, despite his repeated urging "Caedmon, Mirella play in water!". Dennis danced in the pool and ran through the sprinkler, giggling and screeching despite the coldness of the water. His fun ended when he pushed Mirella down in the sprinkler. I'm not sure if it was malicious in intent or if he was trying to get her to play as exuberantly as himself--he's not a pusher unless he's with his cousins, and he pushed Mirella down more than once today. He was very disappointed to be in time out when he wanted to play in the water, and he hugged Mirella (though we never could get him to say he was sorry--this is a new concept for him even though he apologizes easily and frequently to the inanimate objects he 'hurts').
This was his first experience this year with a baby pool and he didn't need any instruction on how to enjoy it. I imagine we'll be playing in the baby pool very often this summer.
I added a video clip to Dennis' YouTube channel (see link on upper right side of blog) to show his water fun!
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