A kid tradition--butter cookies worn on your fingers. We introduced Dennis to this very fun concept for the first time today. He was delighted, of course. The proper drink to accompany this feast is kool-aid, which he had (though I did water it down a little). He turned his tongue blue from the berry flavored blue drink. After the snack, we took him to the playground and let him run and jump and climb and slide and swing as much as he wanted to (about 40 minutes). It was a fun day for a toddler. And for his parents!
We love Friday the 13th. We always have. And good things happened today, as they usually do. We got a tip on a wonderful job that David will be pursuing immediately, and it's a job here in town with good benefits, decent pay, great insurance, and good retirement. And he'd get to put his college degree to some use. Let's all pray that this is the one. It would be so incredible if he didn't have to commute! We would see so much more of each other.
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