So many sentences today--such funny ones! It started last night even. As we were sitting down to supper (thanks again to Gigi who brought us baked chicken, dressing, and green bean casserole!), I suddenly had to go and fetch my water glass and asked David to put Dennis in his high chair. Dennis turned and looked at David and said "Daddy my chair" and pointed to it.
This morning he was carrying his puzzle around and turned it vertical suddenly and the pieces all fell to the floor. He gasped and said "I very sorry" twice to the pieces and then put them all back in the puzzle. Several times today he told me "I want Daddy" because Daddy was at work and he was stuck with Mommy's (inferior?) company.
This morning he was carrying his puzzle around and turned it vertical suddenly and the pieces all fell to the floor. He gasped and said "I very sorry" twice to the pieces and then put them all back in the puzzle. Several times today he told me "I want Daddy" because Daddy was at work and he was stuck with Mommy's (inferior?) company.
He must have been unnerved today by the bad weather and the big booms of thunder and the ever-sounding tornado siren. He wanted his pacifier all day long. I took it from him while I prepared supper for us and he was beside himself, lost in a wave of whining. He whined through dinner (even though his beloved Daddy came home) and whined after dinner and whined through part of the Elmo movie he insisted we sit on the couch and watch with him. He would stop whining when he had his pacifier and resume when we took it away. I'm at a loss on how to deal with this. I just cut him some slack today because he's sick and I let him have it more than usual, as he's used it heavily all week long. Pretty soon I'm going to have to figure out how to convince him to give it up.
Again tonight, just before David got in from work, I heard a loud crash from the living room and ran in to survey the damage. Dennis had pulled a heavy photo album from a shelf over his head and the books alongside it had fallen to the floor (he was unharmed). I walked in just in time to hear him apologize to the books and toys that had fallen: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!".
Other than his attempts to help me cook supper by repeatedly opening the oven (gotta get a lock immediately), and thank goodness I wasn't cooking in the oven, it was a pretty good day. The word count is up over 280 and he can almost count to 10 reliably every time. Nice to know there's a significant brain in that cute little head. For your viewing pleasure--today's dry-erase easel artwork. He drew this and then asked me repeatedly for a yellow marker (which we don't have). Since there was no yellow, he quit drawing and went on to play with something else.
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