Monday, May 5, 2008

screech, screech

The bird of the day was the red-tailed hawk. He brought it over to me, and we pushed the button for the bird call, and I screeched along with the hawk. Dennis thought this was hilarious, of course, and he imitated the screech along with me. So we screeched for a while until he brought over the yellowhammer, and we played its call. Not as interesting to him as the hawk was, so we went back to that.

David set up his mega blocks car track this morning, and he sent the two cars spiraling down the track a few times. Dennis enjoyed rolling the cars, as well, and then he grabbed the traffic light and pulled it off the track and brought it over to me. I told him it was a traffic light and that it told us when to stop and go, and Dennis said "stop go". He went back over to the track and began demolishing it (we refer to him as Babyzilla when he destroys towns and train and car tracks). He climbed on top of the big red plastic crate that the mega blocks set came in, and he sat up and smiled at us like he was so proud of himself.

We read "Moo Baa La La La" (Sandra Boynton) many times this morning. He kept bringing it over to me to read, and I'd finish it, and he'd reopen it. He attempted to make some of the animal noises. When we got to the 3 little dogs that say "ruff ruff ruff", he pointed to the dogs' noses and said "ball". (well, they ARE round). He took the book over to David to read, then brought it back over to me to finish.

He picked out his own outfit today. He grabbed a blue onesie from the basket and brought it to his Daddy to dress him in. When he turned around, I noticed that it was the one that said "I Love Mommy". Once he was dressed, he came over to hug me, and I told him how sweet he was for wanting to wear that. He just smiled. He scored big points with me over that one! Mother's Day is still several days away!

After several laps (25, as compared to 202 yesterday), he was ready to nap, and we put him down with his pacifier and his frog, and tuned in a little Bach on his music box. I'd like to be tucked in like that! Instead, I get all comfortable and then I have to get up for something, like I left a light on, or I have to go to the bathroom... Not everyone gets to sleep like a baby!

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