Monday, April 9, 2012

so much of the sports

Dennis had a swim class at 1, a soccer game at 5, and Taekwondo at 6. He did wonderfully at all 3! He also learned a very valuable skill at home this afternoon. He learned to wash a car! He probably should have had more nap, but it was a gorgeous spring afternoon and I wanted to wash my car and he wanted to help. So we did. And he did a wonderful job, scrubbing the car and rinsing it (and himself and me) with the hose. He pronounced it "just like a new car but it's the same car we had before!".

He was a paragon of wonderful behavior today. True I did bribe him with a new iPad app if he'd be good and listen to his coaches and instructors. Not only did he do that, but he also got through the day with no negativity, no whines, no complaints. He's not a bad complainer most of the time, but what a relief that he was just so darn agreeable all day, even with all the tiring stuff he did!

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