Thursday, April 16, 2009

channeling his inner monkey

We just left the playground. He had a wonderful time--it's been a while since we've been with all that's been going on in our lives and the weather and all. Today is a beautiful sunny spring day, and he asked very nicely (as he does daily) "Mommy go slide and swing-y?". He had lunch with his Daddy while Mommy sweated it out at the gym with Gran, and when David dropped him off with me after my workout, we went to the park. He was ecstatic, of course, and I was amazed with the new skills I saw today. He grabbed the hanging rings and dangled there, hanging from the rings and then swinging on them! I had never seen him do this before, but all over the playground he was grabbing overhead bars and hanging from them and swinging his legs. He's getting upper body strength, I suppose, and it's hardly surprising given the climbing he's been doing lately. Suddenly, he was asking me to swing on the big swings, and HE DID IT! He held on with his little hands and leaned back and forward and swung himself. I was proud of him and he was proud as well at this concrete evidence of his continuing metamorphosis into a Big Kid.

Gosh it happens fast.

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