Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I haven't written in quite a while! Dennis is still his wonderful, witty, fun self. He can read now, and I wonder how much longer I can feasibly blog about him without causing him embarrassment.

Lots of changes going on around here. Both our pastors have been appointed to other churches and will be leaving at the end of June. While I intend to stay put, I wonder what will happen to my ministry with a major change of leadership. And I love both our pastors and am so sad to see them go. How many more loved ones will move away from us? Dennis is handling it well, I think, but I know he will be terribly sad when it's time for them to go. One of them is not going far, just a half hour away, but our senior pastor is moving to Pensacola.

I suppose it is part of the growing up process (my own) to stay behind while people you love go on to other callings, but it's so difficult to remain behind!

So Kindergarten will end in just over 3 weeks, and Dennis and I are hoping for a fun summer together. We are both ready for a break from the intensity of our current routines! David has just started a new job that he loves, but it is a half hour away, and I'm missing our lunches together!

I probably should write more when I'm less sad. I hope to report soon that Dennis and David will be advancing to new belt levels after their upcoming Taekwondo testing on Friday.

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