I'm happy to report that his confidence on his bicycle has been restored! After I picked him up from school today he rode the entire driveway again and again, often with Lemonade running along beside him. I'm so proud! He fell a time or two but was not hurt or scared about it.
David and I took Lemonade to school today when we picked Dennis up (as a surprise), and Dennis was ecstatic to see his puppy coming toward the playground fence! All his friends saw and petted his puppy--he was proud to show him off! Mrs. Linda was happy to see him as well--he's grown a good bit since he left her house 6 weeks ago.
Tonight after church we stopped at Winn Dixie so Daddy could run in and buy more cold medicine for me (this illness keeps going and going!). On our way home, Dennis saw the local rescue training tower and asked "do the policemen use the training tower, too, to go in and get bad guys? And do they throw the bad guys out the windows?". We assured him that they didn't, and he said "oh, so they carry the bad guys out, like firefighters carry people out of a fire?". We enjoyed the mental image of bad guys being tossed out windows, but we decided that truth was a better option for Dennis!
He just walked into our room clad in his t-shirt, socks, underwear, sporting a shoebox over his head. He'd drawn a face on the shoebox, and came in giggling. He said "I fooled you! I drew my face on the box so you would think it was me!". Funny kid! He told me he was thankful for gummy worms, and then said "well, just write that I'm thankful for food!".
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