It's been a long, full, fun day. We began our day with the trick-or-treat downtown with three of the preschool classes. This is a major cuteness fest, 30 or so small characters of all kinds marching through banks and businesses and the courthouse, holding out bags and saying "trick or treat!" and "thank you!". Dennis had many classmates that were also superheroes. And later, after the three classes of Halloween-ers left after the big party, Dennis was playing with the kids in the 4 year old class who will go tomorrow instead of today (so none were in costume). The boys followed little Captain America all over the playground, and in sweet generosity, he loaned out his cape, his mask, his shield, and his star to 4 different kids so they could all be superheroes together. After a while, he got tired of keeping track of who had what and for how long, so he brought it all to me to put away. He was so good today. He and the other kids in afternoon care even napped today (and we stayed at school long after the others left so he could finish his nap).
After school, we had child care duty at the gym, and Dennis had his Taekwondo testing. I hear he did great, and 6 people told me he was the cutest thing they'd ever seen. Then the classes went out to eat afterward to celebrate. Dennis sat at the table with the kids and instructors, and David and I sat with the parents. I heard him inform the others that he had some "private business to discuss with Mom" and he walked over to whisper in my ear "this is important private business: I love you!" before returning to his seat. He's the best!
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