The adventure started this morning when Dennis asked us to "download a Star Wars game on your iPhone so I can play it." David looked and discovered a Light Saber app and loaded it onto both phones. They apparently work through Bluetooth somehow--all I know is that the two of them were suddenly in a big iPhone-waving, light-saber-sound-effect-producing battle on our bed. Dennis would occasionally grab his stomach and fall over to play dead before resuming the fight. It was great fun to watch! It was so much fun that he couldn't wait to take the phones over to Uncle Denny's to battle with him.
Uncle Denny introduced a new concept to Dennis tonight: bubble wrap. Dennis has popped bubbles on a bubble wrap app, but tonight he was given actual bubble wrap. For a few minutes, I thought he was going to pop bubble wrap to the exclusion of everything else, but the two of them soon got busy baking brownies and watching episodes of Garfield.
David was telling Dennis to stop doing something this morning (something about power tools, I think--sounded dangerous to me). Dennis kept right on and soon I heard (exasperatedly) "Dennis, what part of STOP do you not understand?". Dennis replied "the 'stop' part!". We distracted him with some other fun things to play at the time.
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