We joined a herd of preschoolers today at the Montgomery Zoo. Dennis had a great time looking at all the animals and playing on the playground. He led us through the zoo, grabbing the map to decide where we'd go next. We had a picnic lunch at the playground and lingered there quite a while and watched him play (huge playground at this zoo!). A highlight for him was getting to feed the giraffes (this was a highlight for me as well!), and he also had a big time arguing with us that the bison was a "BUFFALO!!!!". We attempted to show him the sign that said "bison", but he wasn't interested.
He had another soccer game this afternoon, and they merged some teams together for one big game. They attempted to teach the kids different positions to play, and Dennis' position was that of "lawn ornament". He was supposed to be defending the goal, but he ended up doing a lot of running around in circles and daydreaming. In his defense, he did get in a couple of really good kicks, and he did a great job of cheering on his team!
This morning, Dennis wanted me to read him a library book while David drove us to the zoo. I had the book on my lap and asked him if I could finish my drink first. He spied the book on my lap and said "first, you turn the book OVER so you can open the front; then you open it and READ it, and you have to hold it up so I can see the pictures." He also told me I was too bossy today, but David reminded him that I AM his boss!
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