It was a bit like teaching soccer to cats, I think. The four little guys at the first team practice today seemed to understand the part about kicking the ball into the net, but they're having a hard time with that whole not touching the ball with your hands thing. Dennis didn't really touch it much with his hands, but he did tackle and lie on top of the ball to keep anyone from getting it away from him. I'm pretty sure that little move isn't allowed. The most hilarious thing was their extremely short attention spans! Kick the ball for ten minutes, run off into the woods, swing on the net, kick the ball some more, sit down in the middle of the field, go get water, kick more, tackle the ball, have a meltdown because someone else got the RED ball and the one we're supposed to be using is BLUE, kick some more goals... I can't wait to watch their first game! No one on his team has any experience, including the coach (who might be in college but who I strongly suspect is high-school age). Should be the most entertaining sports event ever! As long as Dennis is having fun, then I'm going to love every moment of it.
I'm not sure how we will handle soccer on his new nap-free schedule. He was so tired he was nearly delirious by the end of practice, and he was completely exhausted tonight way before bedtime. He didn't even want a bath, and afterward we told him to put his pajamas on. We heard him singing the Clean Up song and went in to find him cleaning his room. He was completely naked. He barely made it through Goodnight Moon before falling asleep.
So his Total Guy gene expressed itself this morning while we were watching Spiderman 2. There was a long scary part followed by massive explosions, and I expected him to have his eyes covered (a usual thing when he senses scariness or difficulty coming up). Instead, he was riveted to the screen almost, and when the fireball went up, he grinned and yelled "COOL!! That was SUPER AWESOME!". And he cavorted around my bed pretending to shoot webs and swing from them for quite a while. He has a new hero, right on the eve of his Batman party happening at school tomorrow. Oh, well. I don't think Fisher Price makes any Spiderman stuff, and if they do, it couldn't be any cooler than his Batcave. It's fun for me, though. Spiderman was my favorite at his age!
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