Today didn't go like I had initially planned. I was going to work at Curves in the morning and then go and finish my painting job at the lake. A few thunderstorms later, we decided to go and help Gran and Pop pick out a new computer tower to replace the one that bit the dust at their house. Dennis doesn't love shopping at Best Buy, but I figured he could endure it for one day. As a matter of fact, he endured Best Buy, Publix, and dinner at Logan's (because Best Buy sets up your computer for you, so you can't pick it up for a few hours). He was completely exhausted, having skipped his nap, and I am amazed he even made it through dinner. We waited a long time for our food to come (hey, Friday night is Date Night, and they were so crowded), but Logan's provides a bucket of peanuts for patrons to shell and eat, one per table. Dennis spent a very happy 20 minutes shelling and eating peanuts and tossing the hulls onto the floor. Naturally he fell asleep in the car as soon as we got out of there.
Today marked the culmination of his week of anticipating the arrival of Diesel 10. Last week, he discovered a folded-up Thomas the Train catalog and asked for each individual thing on the list for Christmas. He particularly wanted a Diesel 10. Diesel 10 is a mean engine, scary actually, from the Thomas and the Magic Railroad movie (think Thomas meets Willy Wonka--it's a bizarre one), so I can't imagine why Dennis wanted to add him to the collection. He asked daily, and I searched ebay and found one that would cost me less than $4 total. Diesel 10 arrived today, and Dennis was THRILLED. He's been good all week, hoping Santa might send an early present. Diesel 10 arrived from Honolulu actually, but now he's traveled all over central Alabama. He still plays with fire trucks every day, but he seems to have rediscovered his love of trains. He's such a boy!
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