I spend two days away from him and I forget what it's like to be in his presence nonstop. I was not prepared. I felt sleep-deprived and he seemed to be super energetic. So today wasn't easy. He wasn't bad, just so upbeat and happy and loud and so RIGHT THERE IN MY FACE wanting me to play and say things and give kisses and watch this, do this, hold this, get him apple juice and chocolate milk and goldfish crackers and cranberry juice... I was exhausted before the day ever started and the feeling increased. I crashed when he napped and things were better after that. We played and read books together, and he kept me company while I cooked dinner. The bad moments came when I cut his hair, which really needed it. He cried and moved and tried to hold his hair to his head so I couldn't pick up strands of it to snip. We both survived it and his hair looks neat and so cute.
Much of our town got seriously rained on this afternoon, and we were out driving around when it started. We were trying to get a trailerfull of stuff into a garage (successfully, it turned out) before the stuff got drenched. We stopped by Gran's place after, to pick up Dennis, since David had to leave him there to take the van to move the stuff (I was blissfully unaware of most of this since I was at the gym while David handled the moving). Dennis was ecstatic to be watching Shrek with Uncle Denny, and he was busy shouting out a play-by-play of what was happening in the movie along with what was to come. Pop came in from work and told us there was a huge rainbow out, so we decided to take Dennis to see it. He was thrilled and kept pointing it out. Rainbows always make me feel better. I nearly always see one after a time of crisis or sadness or stress, and I just feel so relieved to remember God's promises to us. You see, my car air conditioner (which was the absolute best feature of my car--coldest air ever!) stopped working on Sunday. We had hoped it was a simple fix, but it isn't, and we won't be able to fix it for a long time. It seems like such a trivial thing, to cry over a broken air conditioner, but the other car has to have brakes, and Dennis doesn't do well in heat, and I fear much diaper rash... I had to cry over it for awhile before getting a grip. But things are okay today. We'll fix the brakes on the Blazer and drive Dennis around in it, in air conditioned comfort. David has offered to drive the Tracker this summer to work and back. We'll fix it when we can. And we'll all be just fine.
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