Sunday, July 22, 2012

noise pollution

I'm learning why a certain comic strip Dennis was such a menace. Age five is not an easy one! There are moments of delight every day, and I'm finding that my own little menace has a rather well developed sense of humor. But he's also a part-time ninja, part-time superhero & bad-guy-fighter, and full-time boy! He's inquisitive and so smart, smart enough that he knows how to be irritating. He freely admits this ("I just love to irritate you, Mommy") and instinctively knows when he's pushed me to the breaking point. Often, at just the right time, he'll lean over and say ever so sweetly "I love you, Mommy" and offer up his most charming smile. I find his constant motion and constant chatter to be overwhelming sometimes, but the only wrong thing he does? Not listening. The rest of it is just happy, well-adjusted boy noise and activity. And oh, how I'll miss all his chatter once he's a teen!

Today at church they announced that I've been hired as full time Children's Minister, which I am thrilled about, but I cringed as I watched my child make a pyramid of hymnals on the pew and then sit on it. He and the other kids worshipped in our Traditional service today (because I wasn't able to do the children's service on account of having to speak in both church services), and the youngest ones were just so busy not listening to the message that I prayed for guidance. Next month: worship journals and pencils for each child, with an assignment to listen, write words, draw pictures, and be ready to talk about the message the following week at in the children's service. It will at least give them something more productive to do with their hands, which Dennis most especially needs! It's either that or duct tape...

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