Thursday, May 17, 2012


He wore his Superman shirt to school today. Tonight at Taekwondo, they celebrated the big donation the school was able to make to St. Jude with Superman cupcakes. He is very pleased to have a Superman ring to add to his collection of superhero wear.

He has 2 more days of preschool to go, Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday will be my last class. I can't believe the year has nearly ended. I can't believe he has finished preschool! He tells everyone everywhere that he is "almost in kindergarten" and is so excited about going. The school board is in meetings now to determine the new calendar. We thought school would start August 9, but a new state ruling declares that it cannot start until two weeks before Labor Day. He will have a longer summer vacation, but I'm hoping this won't mean a shortened fall break or Christmas vacation. There's talk of adding 12 minutes to each school day to make up the number of instructional hours needed. I hope they do this instead of losing holidays! Preschool won't start until after Labor Day, and this means he won't start school nearly a month before I do. I will treasure those two weeks!

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