Thursday, March 8, 2012

doughnuts with Pop

Today was our Doughnuts with Dad day at preschool. David had to work, so Dennis had a Doughnuts with Pop day instead. David spent a couple of hours at school yesterday with him (on Pancake Day) because he knew he couldn't be there today. So Dennis has has lots of attention at school lately! It continued to be a super busy day, with Taekwondo and soccer practice and child care at the gym. When we came home from school at lunch time, I told Dennis that he could play for 15 minutes before his nap, and he replied "I want my nap now." Shocking! It was very hard to get him up in time for soccer practice, and he cried for 15 minutes. He was so tired, I guess, but he seemed to cheer up when he got to soccer, and he was happy for the rest of the evening. It's been a long week, and next week will be WAY busier. And I heard a rumor about the time change coming up, so we're liable to be dragging our way through it all. I can't believe his birthday is so close!

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