Monday, October 10, 2011

self defense and excuses

Dennis attended a special event at Taekwondo tonight. He had his class, and then he had a board-breaking class (which he loved), and after that, there was a class on how to deal with bullies. David said he did really well at all the classes, and he was eager to show me his getting-away-from-a-bully moves when they got home. I hope it's knowledge he'll never have to use.

He's just gotten out of bed for the fourth time, telling me he had a bad dream about me punishing him. I warned him that's what would happen if he got up again. So I heard this big noise coming from his room and told David it sounded like he was moving furniture in there. He said he'd heard Dennis say "I'm going to make a lot of noise, and then Mommy and Daddy will have to come and check on me!". I guess he was telling the dog. Little monster!

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