Thursday, September 15, 2011


This was the Longest. Day. Ever. I had to send a kid home for kicking, hitting, shoving, throwing rocks, and (last straw) biting! I had a crier and a kid who apparently went deaf since Tuesday (or broke her listening ears, as Dennis says). And the afternoon care kids required LOTS of behavior reminders. And then I watched kids at the gym for 3 hours, and they were climbing the walls and furniture. When the last one left my care, I took all my frustration out on the treadmill. I have now finished Week 6 of the Couch to 5K program, meaning I can run (well, jog) for 25 entire minutes with no walking. I have no idea if I could do this outdoors or not--I'm concerned about my knees, and the treadmill is kind to them (AND, my favorite ones at the gym have nice cool air blowing near them).

Dennis had an equally big day. He finger painted in his class, played Freeze Tag and Musical Chairs at afternoon care (and attempted to nap--I'm very proud!), went to the gym with me and played with other kids before and after Taekwondo, had Mens Night Out with Daddy after he left the gym, and entertained us with jokes and giggles before heading to bed.

David vacuumed and sprayed tonight (Us vs Fleas Part 3), and Dennis wandered in to tell him "don't just vacuum clean--Resolve clean!". This is especially funny given that we haven't watched TV at home in quite a while now. We nixed our DirecTV and we're going to try ATT Uverse if they can put it here, but the install date is still a ways away.

Also, Dennis watched me hobbling to the living room (what happens when you run for a while and stretch briefly and then become sedentary for the evening) and began imitating my walk. I asked him not to make fun of me and he replied "but you're so funny, Mom--it's hard not to."

No school til next week!!!!!!!! Happy me!

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