Tuesday, January 18, 2011


We had a bit of a biology lesson at Uncle Denny's tonight. We talked about mammals and reptiles and tried to help him make the differentiation. We taught him about 'ingredients' labels, because he's forever asking "what's in this?". For my efforts, I was rewarded with a particularly neat bit of Dennis Wisdom. I asked him if he knew where eggs come from. I can't recall if it's ever come up, so if it has, it hasn't been a recent conversation. He considered for a long moment and then said "eggs come from egg hides". I'll admit, it took me a second to process what he might have meant. I clarified, asking him if he meant that eggs come from Easter egg hunts, and he looked relieved and said "yes!", glad that I understood what he meant. Egg hides. He does love to find hidden Easter eggs, and I suppose that's as good a place as any to get your eggs. I'm surprised he didn't say Walmart or Winn Dixie, actually. He didn't seem surprised when I mentioned chickens as an egg source. It must be time for another farm visit, at any rate.

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