Dennis got his booster vaccine for H1N1 today. We thought it was going to be another intra-nasal dose, but we were wrong. He was so offended when that needle went into his thigh that he reached out and grabbed the syringe. I suppose this is a natural reaction! He did manage to absorb the dose and yelled out his displeasure. He was extremely happy when the receptionist gave him a candy cane on his way out, and I was extremely happy that we didn't even have to wait--they took us right back and gave him the vaccine! Now I feel a little safer for his sake. David does not want the vaccine, but I am thinking of getting it myself. Dennis told everyone "the doctor shot me and it hurt REALLY really bad" for the rest of the day. The candy cane was quickly consumed and we had a happy, sticky passenger in the carseat.
We went to the library after and the usual meltdown upon leaving occurred (because he was, as he says 'playing Thomas and Friends' on the wooden table there). I had an inspired idea. I showed him how to find books. I asked him if he wanted to see if there were any books about firefighters and he agreed. The tears dried right up. We found a book AND a movie and he wanted to hurry up and check out so we could read the book. When I told him we were going to Gran and Pop's house, he said "I want to show my book to Uncle Denny--he can read it to me", and this is indeed what happened.
We went for a walk with Gran and Pop and then home for spaghetti dinner where David joined us. David wanted to work out, so we went to the gym and had family workout time. I was using a machine that works shoulders--you raise and lower a bar in front of you, chest-to-navel. Halfway through my reps, Dennis grabbed hold of the bar and hung from it like a monkey as I raised and lowered him as well as the hydraulic resistance. Yep, he's training me like Jillian.
Feeling bold? Put your kid in an Auburn ballcap and take him out in public the week after Alabama wins a national championship. See what kind of comments you get. They all conceded he was cute, but many told him he had the wrong hat on. We think not.
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