If only everyone could have heard Dennis say "Happy Father's Day, Daddy!". It was incredibly sweet and so cute. He also said it to Bob and Pop, and I was so proud. Dennis and I gave David some special Father's Day things. He got a new Clive Cussler book and a new pair of pajama/lounge pants, and then we gave him a day and night off. I think he was most thrilled about the last thing. This afternoon, Dennis and I left David down at the lake house by himself, where he'll be spending the night in luxury, with high speed internet and satellite television and no diapers to change. He'll sleep in late in the morning with no toddler calling for him to open the baby gate and get chocolate milk. He'll have some much needed alone time where he isn't required to talk or be disturbed in his sleep by his exercise-obsessed spouse riding her recumbent bike into the wee hours. He's off work tomorrow, so he should have a rather fabulous mini-vacation. He deserves it!
I am so thrilled with the time I spent with Dennis today. He was so sweet and fun, no big fussy fits or little tantrums or anything. He was pleasant during all the shopping we did in Prattville with Gran and Pop and Uncle Denny, and he enjoyed his first milkshake (chocolate, of course) at Steak n' Shake (the picture shows him sporting his souvenir hat from supper). This is the easiest time I have had taking him out places all day--he was so content in his stroller and so chatty with me in the car. I just enjoyed him so much. It was one of those days when you can't believe how wonderful it is to be a parent. I hope I still feel that way if he decides to wake up with the sun in the morning (though I kept him up rather late so am hoping he sleeps in a bit). He talked in complete sentences all day, like he's suddenly aged 3 months. He said "look, Mommy, this is Cookie Monster" and "look, there is Elmo" and "Mommy and Dennis go in the bookstore" and "No, Mommy, that's my shirt (when I pulled on his shirt in retaliation for him pulling on mine)" and "I had a good time shopping" and "we go home now" and "I go to bed". There were tons more, and I am so impressed with this sudden leap in his grammatical ability. He's been well able to get his point across with fewer words, but it's nice to hear him constructing little sentences and using them and engaging me in little conversations. The funniest thing was when he was quizzing me on Sesame Street characters. "Who is this, Mommy?" And when I named the correct character: "that's right, Mommy, great job, I proud of you" or "that's right, Mommy, that IS Cookie Monster, very good". Gosh we had a great day!
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