Monday, October 29, 2012

Perfect report card!

This is day 2 of some seriously wonderful Dennis behavior. He was just perfect at church yesterday and paid attention to my lesson on watching what we say. He even prayed in front of all of children's church for God to help everyone remember to say only nice things to each other.

Tonight he sat quietly during Taekwondo for over an hour while he waited on his turn to do his form and then his turn to spar. He was so well behaved that I'm almost worried about him!

He got his report card today and got satisfactory in everything (the highest grade in Kindergarten). His teacher said he is an AMAZING reader. We are so proud! She said she had no problems with his behavior--he's just a being a boy, she said, and he always gets all his work done. I'm glad she allows some flexibility for him. We are so pleased with his elementary school experience thus far.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dueling iPhones

Here we are, Dennis and I, sitting in the backseat of the Blazer and headed to a Halloween party! We are texting each other things like "eyeballs" and "ear wax" and other grossness. Great fun!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the joy of text

Dennis' new phone arrived yesterday. In a seriously questionable parenting move, we got him an iPhone. It was way cheaper than an iPod touch, and he can watch Netflix movies on the go (which he'd been doing on our phones). And his games and educational apps and music are on it along with the phone numbers that he needs to have. An unexpected benefit: he is learning to sound out and spell words because he loves to send me text messages. We have unlimited text (thank goodness), so he gets to type as much as possible. He loves it! We are applying strict parental guidelines to its usage, of course.

We had a very successful dental checkup again today. Dennis is doing an excellent job taking care of his teeth. When I checked him out of school today it was like a major celebrity event. People were hugging him and wishing him well as he left. Not just people in his class, but children in the halls and on the walkways were all greeting him. Lots of people know his name. I hope that's a good thing.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Batman at Bass Pro

This has been an exciting weekend. Our Family Night Out was changed from going trick-or-treating at Bass Pro Shop. We saw we were going to be a little late, and we stopped at Walmart to maybe find dinner and a distraction. What we bought? Laser Tag sets. Three of them. We came home and ran around our dark yard, shooting each other and scoring, "dying" and "respawning" and just having an excellent time. I can't imagine anything that would have thrilled him more than the 3 of us shooting each other!

Yesterday we met friends at the pumpkin patch (his 4th visit of the season) for a bit and then went to a craft show. What were we thinking? He nearly broke a dozen things and at one point picked up a tractor shaped soap and took a bite. He thought it was a cookie.

We finally did make it to Bass Pro today, and he got to participate in a scavenger hunt to win a prize. He wore his Batman costume and made a craft (a pumpkin mask) and pretended to fly through the store at top speed. He was a joy (and a bit of a menace) all weekend!

When I asked what he likes about his girlfriend, he said "it's a word, sounds something like 'ality' I think," and when I replied "personality," he said "Yes! That's it!". And he knew what it meant. Love that kid!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

kindergarten woes

After almost 5 weeks of all "green" behavior, yesterday was a yellow day. He got in trouble for dancing in the lunch line. While I appreciate that the teacher must keep order, I'd like for Dennis to dance wherever he darn well wants to. He's five years old. His exuberance is part of who he is. I hope public school doesn't take that away.

Tonight in the car, he read us an entire book about the nativity story, just picked it up and said "I think I'll read this to both of you." He reads incredibly well now! We were delightedly amazed at his skill.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

saying no and enforcing it

We didn't make it to the pumpkin train today. After serious misbehavior at church and worse behavior at lunch, I canceled our trip to the railroad museum. Much sadness ensued. But if I consider how he went to the pumpkin patch yesterday for a birthday party and went to a children's event last night that involved a trip to a farm where we painted pumpkins, ate hot dogs, took a hayride through the woods, and roasted marshmallows, I don't feel quite so much like I deprived him of all fun over the weekend. We needed time at home! I took 10 hours of class this weekend for the Academy for Ministries with Children. My brain is full of Methodist doctrine. I really enjoyed the class, but I'm glad to have some time to chill, or at least I will if Dennis starts behaving.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

red or pink

Dennis told me this morning that he wanted school to last for only 1 minute. He very nearly got his wish. The school nurse called me after he'd been there an hour. They thought he might have pinkeye and wanted me to take him to the doctor, who thought it was more likely allergy related (especially since he was fine yesterday when we went in for a flu vaccine). He's on 2 different eye drops, and this necessitates much drama. Oh, the screaming! And his eyes are terribly red.

Dennis has to read 6 books to be eligible to enter a drawing for tickets to the Iron Bowl. He read all 6 of them tonight, and we are amazed how well he's reading. He picked a nice variety of choices to read, too. And when he was done, he wanted a bedtime Bible story and hymn. He asks for hymns every night now, and I'm inspired to teach a children's church lesson on hymns soon!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

a new water skill

Dennis learned to kayak today.  He's quite good at it!  He did manage to flip it over once (and it was a cool day today), but he didn't panic.  He popped right up and swam to the steps to get out.  After he got out of his wet clothes, he was pretty amused at himself for flipping it.  I'm very pleased that I didn't flip it when it was my turn.  After our kayak fun, Dennis amused himself by taking photos, something he does amazingly well!  I just had to post this shot he set up and took to surprise me.  His little shoe is beside mine.  Love that kid!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October fun

We made TWO trips to the pumpkin patch today. This morning was a church outing with the 2, 3, and 4 year olds (and Dennis), and this afternoon we met the Gallmans there. It was a gorgeous day, sunny (a bit warm) and breezy. We have 2 pumpkins chosen by Dennis to begin our Halloween decorating. And we had a lovely dinner tonight with family and friends to conclude my birthday celebrations. I have really been spoiled this week!

Last night Dennis and I attended the high school Homecoming game, and he really had the full football experience! He was allowed to hold the game ball for a minute before the game started. He scored two of the footballs (different colors) tossed by the cheerleaders when our team scored. He saw dozens of people who know and love him, and he visited with all of them. He was on the football field as part of the human tunnel that the fans make for the players to run through as they enter the field to start the game. He got to play on the field after the game, running from and chasing, tackling and being tackled by his friends. He cheered wildly with every pass caught and every touchdown scored and tried his best to get the attention of the TV cameramen filming what was the game of the week for two different stations. He cheered for the big win. And it was difficult to get him to come down from his football-related elation! He even got to watch the Homecoming Parade a few hours before the game.

We have fully immersed ourselves in the most fun activities related to the fall season, and we plan to continue all month long. Next two weekends we're going to hayrides and bonfires!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Yesterday as Dennis stooped to clean his cake crumbs from the floor of the fellowship hall at church, he realized the magnitude of the job. He said thoughtfully "I think I'll leave this to the professionals" and got up to run and play somewhere else.

Today he told the associate pastor at church that we were coming home to watch the Big Bang Theory. I tried to let it be known that we heavily censor his viewing, saying that he liked when they dressed as superheroes. He quickly said "no, I like the things Sheldon says--they are smart and silly too." When we got home, he asked "do you want to see my Sheldon impression?". I did indeed, so he held up a finger, assumed a nerdy facial expression, and recited "According to my calculations, everything in the universe was made from nothing." That's my boy!